Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Monia Clustering

I have been tried to make many different scrapping style to do this kit, but it ended up with clustering style...again.

Anyway, I'm quite happy with the result, by maximize the shadows work, I could give the depth and realistic look to this page. It looks like I could reach out the things from the page!!

Intinya mah, daku suka sekali dengan shadownya, pagenya jadi berasa ada kedalamannya, dan terlihat nyata (he..he sekali-sekali muji sendiri aaahhh.....gak pa2 kan ya, tapi ditunggu kritik membangunnya yaaa......)

This girl is my sweet niece

38th GSO

Credits: Monia by DILO Designs.
It's a freebie kit, go jump to the Digital-Crea to grab this beautiful kit.


Mama Ben said...

nah sama...itu dia yg aku suka juga dari loini nik....!

Nia said...

Beautiful LO :) kalo shadows emang wajib bagi nia krn itu salah satu yg bikin LO qta kliatan lbh 'real'.

Fitria (IrmaBuana) said...

Cantik banget page-nya!!! Aku masih bealjar shadowing-nya, sebenernya selalu pake, tapi masih belom keliatan ya??? Mungkin terlalu tipis :(

Anonymous said...

wowwww....cantik banget nik....suka jg warna papernya..khas bgt dehhh

Fenny Sakurawati said...

cantik banget!