Saturday, August 8, 2009

Vacation By The Sea

3 days off from the office, away from the internet, away from the routine things. Hhhhm...sounds like heaven. Yup, it's a little heaven, unless my illness!!!! I want to do it again, just keep intense with my little lovely family...but again, without the my illness!!!


Fitria (IrmaBuana) said...

Pantesan lama tak melihat dikau OL di DST, ternyata sakit... Sekarang udah sehatkan???

Wonderful page and great blending work!!!

Fenny Sakurawati said...

Beautiful scene.. foto Fikri juga matching dech... great layout Nik.... duh ibu ini hebat dech, sakit2 tetep bisa buat layout keren..

Emma said...

beautiful layout!!!!
welcome back...moga2 ada masa cuti banyak tanpa sakit ya...amin.....
mulai kerja lagi deh...good luck dear...:)

Nia said...

Lama ga nampak ternyata sakit. Semoga cpt sembuh ya :) As always wonderful LO!!!