Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Angel (22nd gso)

The day is past and the white stars are in the sky
The air is still; and dark and deep. On the hill side old wood rests
Yet of the dark I have no fear. For I know God is with me there
(Evening by Thomas Miller)

My dearest Son, My Angel:

GSO-ed by the sweet Irma, thanks dear, what a great honour!!!!


Fitria (IrmaBuana) said...

Gorgeous LO!!! Suka banget ma warnanya, cucok ma foto Fikri, keren!!!

Emma said...

keren bgt kit ini ma, aku udh bikin 1 lo, tp blom post....
manis ya, and lo mu manis bgt say...
i love it!

Nia said...

Rajin.. bikin 2 LO dr 1 kit :) Keren LOnya!!!