Sunday, October 11, 2009


This month I join FruitloOpSally Designs as a guest CT. And this is my first page for her:

My Sweet Niece, she's really a daydreamer
Photo by me

Credit: Newest kit from FruitloOp Sally Designs.
This kit is really cute and I love the color and all the gorgeous doodles.
It available at Cat Scrap and Pickle Berry Pop


Fitria (IrmaBuana) said...

So cute!! Suka dengan warnanya :)

Nia said...

Sweet LO!!! Kenangan buruk klo Nia ama si Sandra aka FruitLoOP Sally. Dulu pernah jd CT dia wkt dia br mulai ngedesign. Krn dia ga bisa handle CT yg byk akhirnya dipecatlah sebagian besar CT dia termasuk Nia dan Peni :D

Fenny Sakurawati said...

cute page!

Emma said...

itu element girl centilnya cocok banget sama fotonya....jd makin cute hehe....fabulous design!