Sunday, August 23, 2009

Even You're Angry (27th gso) and Always Friend


My dear son with his 'angry' expression.
But even you're angry you always be my inspiration
(Photo by me)



My dear son with his best friend at school.
Since at the playgroup 'till now they're 3rd grader,they still best friend each other
(Photo by me)


Fenny Sakurawati said...

Even you are angry... you are still a handsome boy Fikri.....
Beautiful page Nik! Nik, foto2nya setelah dicut dibuat jadi kayak sticker gitu ya.. lucu dech....

Fitria (IrmaBuana) said...

Even you angry, ibu tetep dapat GSO hehehe. Aku malah suka banget dengan LO kedua, sepertinya photo dan elemennya di selip2kan di kertas yang mirip ombak itu *apa ya namanya?* Kreatip!!!

Anonymous said...

mantabbb..mantaabb..mantaabb...suka sm fotonya pas bgt itu sengaja bikin Fikri ngamuk dulu trus di foto yaa hahahah..kreatibb bgt ibu satu ini boleh deh diacunging dua jempol heheheh...

Emma said...

beautiful pages :)