Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Song Of The Island: 17th GSO

My newest page, still presenting my lovely son in this page. I didn't have the idea to call this LO. So I named this exactly same with the kit, Song Of The Island.

This page GSO-ed by Anndahl, thanks:

Credits: 'SongOf The Island' Kit By Mimilou Designs at Digital-Crea:


Emma said...

fun page nik...sweet!
aduhai abang fikri.....cekcih.....dicubit bole gag...^_^ hihi

Fenny Sakurawati said...

cantiknya LOnya Nunik...curvenya buat jadi kayak ombak beneran dech Nik....

Widie said...


Iyaaa....mantaaaffffff!!!! suka sm aernya itu hehehe kaya beneran mandi yaaaa

Nia said...

Keren spt biasa LOnya!!!