Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Best 'News': 20th GSO

Asli, pas bikin page ini sempet ngalamin mati gaya..he..he. Kan kepenginnya pake bekgron yg kertas koran tapi gak tahu mesti diapain. Akhirnya 'tempel sana tempel sini' aja, kayak bikin kliping gitu, dan tarraaaaa.....jadi deh page-nya kayak gini.

Berhubung pake kertas koran, di sudut kanan atas ditambahin efek kayak kertas digulung, bikinnya pake ulead express (program editing foto yg udah lama banget dianggurin, sejak kenal sama photoshop..he..he, akhirnya kepake lagi!).

And here is my page, called 'My Best News'. Why do I call it so? 'coz my son is always like my newspaper. Everyday he brings much of different never-ending news and stories for me to read!!!!

GSO-ed by Billa, thanks:

Credits: Cafe Chocolate by Mimilou Designs at Digital-Crea.
For the chocolate lover, you should by this 'yummy' kit!:


Fitria (IrmaBuana) said...

Page ini emang keren banget!!! Aku juga suka banget!!! Kalo tar dapet gackgroud koran gitu, boleh dong niru hehehe

Nia said...

Bagus LOnya :)

Emma said...

cakep banget....cakep...cakep!!!!