My Son is already 8 years old, It's very hard to take a picture of him, but that day at Thursday, May 21st 2009, while we're enjoyed the scene at the city forest near our home, He especially posed for me.

Kit used: Every Moment Counts by Edeline Design. Available at Edeline Store and Shabby Pickle Designs. Here is the preview:

Sama Nik, Vian juga sekarang susah banget di foto, payah deh...
Pagenya keren loh, padahal itu kan aslinya mainan kayunya dah dicoret2 ya, tapi jadi kayak antik :)
Gorgeous page, as always!
Keren euy Lonya selalu kreatippppp yaaaa...mantapp dahhh....
Fikri gayanya lucu bgt yaa...udah kaya model aja mamanya jg bisaaaaa aja nganbil fotonya neh hehe
LO-nya cool banget cocok utk anak co. Fikri makin oke niy gayanya klo di foto.
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